
e-Yantra is a project sponsored by MHRD under the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT). The project aims to create an ecosystem in colleges to teach Embedded systems and Robotics. On this page, e-Yantra provides resources that help students and teachers to learn about Firebird V ATMEGA 2560 platform in an easy, effective and interesting manner.
Resources include the following:
(i) Video Tutorials
(ii) Softwares
(iii) Experiments
(iv) Datasheet and Manuals

Video Tutorial Section

The following video tutorials are simple and cover all the topics neccessary and sufficient to help you in understanding the working of Firebird V robot using the ATMEGA 2560 microcontroller.

Introduction to Firebird V

This tutorial provides introduction to the basic components and features of ATmega 2560 based Firebird V. It includes discussion about the sensors, communication, power options and programming aids for Firebird V.

To download the pdf version of the presentation used for the video tutorials Click here.

IO Buzzer Programming

This tutorial describes I/O ports of ATmega 2560 and its programming. Writing a program to interface and control the buzzer connected to Port C of ATmega 2560 is also discussed in this tutorial.

To download the pdf version of the presentation used for the video tutorials Click here.

Motion Control

This tutorial involves discussion about the motor driver IC L293D and its interfacing on the Firebird V platform. Apart from this, direction control of Firebird V using I/O port assignments is also discussed.

To download the pdf version of the presentation used for the video tutorials Click here.

Velocity Control using PWM

This tutorial introduces Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) for speed control and description of the inbuilt registers to generate PWM signal. An example code for speed/velocity control is explained and demonstration of the same is also included.

To download the pdf version of the presentation used for the video tutorials Click here.

LCD Interfacing

This video tutorial describes the onboard 16x2 LCD and its hardware interfacing on the Firebird V platform. Command sequences for LCD interfacing and example C code is also provided.

To download the pdf version of the presentation used for the video tutorials Click here.


This tutorial explains the general mechanism for interrupt handling, description of the inbuilt position encoders and using the combination of the two to control the distance traversed by the robot. generic C code for precise control of linear as well as angular motion of Firebird V is also part of this tutorial.

To download the pdf version of the presentation used for the video tutorials Click here.


this tutorial describes the inbuilt ADC module and the sensors connected to its channels on the Firebird V. An example code to read and interpret the digital equivalent of the analog value indicated by the onboard sensors is explained and demonstrated.

To download the pdf version of the presentation used for the video tutorials Click here.

Hexapod Content section

For download link Click here.

Software section



WinAVR is a software development tool for the Atmel AVR series. This is a compiler used along with AVR Studio 4.17

For download link Click here.

AVR Studio 4.17

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to be used to develop and debug your embedded programs.

For download link Click here.
AVR Studio 4.17 Fix for Windows 8 and 10 Click here.

Atmel Studio 6.0

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to be used to develop and debug your embedded programs.

For download link Click here.

AVR Bootloader

A software that will be used to burn/load your .hex file on to the Firebird V robot.

For download link Click here.
For Installing and using bootloader pdf Click here.

Serial Port Driver

This will be used to connect your Firebird V robot to the USB port of the computer.

For download link Click here.

Test GUI

A self explanatory Graphical User Interface (GUI) to test the functionality of Firebird V. Refer to the readme file after downloading the folder for more details.

For download link Click here.


Linux Instructions

Codeblocks is an IDE which is used for writing C-program for AVR and compile it to generate the .hex file.

To download installation instructions for linux Click here.

Experiments section


Download sample experiments based on Firebird V based on ATmega2560 Click here.

Datasheets and Manuals section

Datasheets and Manuals

To download datasheets and Firebird V hardware/software manuals Click here.

AVRDude for Firebird V and Spark V Robot

AVRDude Folders

To download AVRDude for Firebird V Robot Click here.

To download AVRDude for Spark V Robot Click here.

Complete Resources

Note: To download all content of e-Yantra resources (approx 2GB) Click here.

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© Copyright e-Yantra, 2015